Young Brent Foundation works with over 200+ play and youth organisations and delivers focused support and activities that develops capacity, encouraging greater opportunities to connect, collaborate and succeed
Our objectives:
Golden Thread that runs through the Young Brent Foundation approach:
Intercultural dialogue: The open exchange of views between individuals and groups belonging to different cultural groups or communities that enables better communication and understanding of world views.
Intersectionality: How aspects of one's social and political identities (e.g., gender, ethnicity, social status, sexuality, disability, etc.) overlap to create unique modes of discrimination.
Complex Trauma: How multiple traumatic events or lived experiences are presented amongst children, young people and or their families i.e. Mental Health
Young Brent Foundation works with over 200+ play and youth organisations and delivers focused support and activities that develops capacity, encouraging greater opportunities to connect, collaborate and succeed
Our objectives:
Golden Thread that runs through the Young Brent Foundation approach:
Intercultural dialogue: The open exchange of views between individuals and groups belonging to different cultural groups or communities that enables better communication and understanding of world views.
Intersectionality: How aspects of one's social and political identities (e.g., gender, ethnicity, social status, sexuality, disability, etc.) overlap to create unique modes of discrimination.
Complex Trauma: How multiple traumatic events or lived experiences are presented amongst children, young people and or their families i.e. Mental Health