LVN · Drive Forward Foundation
Drive Forward Foundation

Leaving the care system and making your way into the world of work is daunting, we understand that.

Many of the young people we have helped came to us uncertain about what their future held, unsure how to get their career off the ground and lacking in self-confidence.

If you’re driven to be independent, find your way and make something of yourself, then see how you can join us and start heading in the direction that’s right for you.

One-to-One Support: Work together with an experienced Employment Consultant to gain the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in your career.

Exclusive Career Opportunities: Gain access to a pool of exclusive work placement and job opportunities with our partners across London.

Mentoring: Better navigate the world of work and progress quicker in your career with the help of a professional mentor.

Training & Development: Includes skills training like mindful yoga, writing convincing applications, & interview prep.

Drive Forward Foundation

Leaving the care system and making your way into the world of work is daunting, we understand that.

Many of the young people we have helped came to us uncertain about what their future held, unsure how to get their career off the ground and lacking in self-confidence.

If you’re driven to be independent, find your way and make something of yourself, then see how you can join us and start heading in the direction that’s right for you.

One-to-One Support: Work together with an experienced Employment Consultant to gain the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in your career.

Exclusive Career Opportunities: Gain access to a pool of exclusive work placement and job opportunities with our partners across London.

Mentoring: Better navigate the world of work and progress quicker in your career with the help of a professional mentor.

Training & Development: Includes skills training like mindful yoga, writing convincing applications, & interview prep.