LVN ยท Animal Advocacy Careers
Animal Advocacy Careers

Animal Advocacy Careers (AAC) is an organisation that seeks to address the career and talent bottlenecks in the animal advocacy movement, especially the farmed animal movement. We are providing careers services for individuals at all levels of experience with animal advocacy.

Our job board connects you to exciting opportunities with high potential for helping animals.

There are many different ways that people can help animals over the course of their career, including:

  • Working at food companies,
  • Working in government and policy,
  • Working in advocacy,
  • Working in research,
  • Working to earn money and donate to nonprofits,
  • Working in direct animal care.
Animal Advocacy Careers

Animal Advocacy Careers (AAC) is an organisation that seeks to address the career and talent bottlenecks in the animal advocacy movement, especially the farmed animal movement. We are providing careers services for individuals at all levels of experience with animal advocacy.

Our job board connects you to exciting opportunities with high potential for helping animals.

There are many different ways that people can help animals over the course of their career, including:

  • Working at food companies,
  • Working in government and policy,
  • Working in advocacy,
  • Working in research,
  • Working to earn money and donate to nonprofits,
  • Working in direct animal care.