LVN · The Winch
The Winch

Our mission is to help each child succeed, regardless of their circumstances, by giving them the opportunities and support they need.

Young People:

Being a teenager is not easy and there’s a lot of pressure to fit in. 

We’re here to understand what you’re going through and we’ll really listen to you.

You have a place here, whatever you’re facing in your life.

If there’s an issue you care about, we’ll support you to take action and change it.

You can drop in after school or come to our holiday programme, use our creative spaces, play sports and more.

You decide what you do with your time when you come to The Winch.

  • Promise Work
  • Holiday Programme
  • A.C.E. United
  • Drop-in Youth Club
  • Take Back The Power
  • Youth Led Projects
  • Celebrations

Young adults

We see your potential and want you to see it too.

You know what you are capable of and we see your potential.

At the Winch you’re welcome at activities, you can take part in projects and sports, be mentored or be a mentor, use creative spaces, resources and loads more.

A lot of these activities are led by you or people your age. We listen to what you want to do, then work with you to make it happen.

You can decide what you get to do in your community.

  • The Company
  • Creative Spaces
  • Celebrations
The Winch

Our mission is to help each child succeed, regardless of their circumstances, by giving them the opportunities and support they need.

Young People:

Being a teenager is not easy and there’s a lot of pressure to fit in. 

We’re here to understand what you’re going through and we’ll really listen to you.

You have a place here, whatever you’re facing in your life.

If there’s an issue you care about, we’ll support you to take action and change it.

You can drop in after school or come to our holiday programme, use our creative spaces, play sports and more.

You decide what you do with your time when you come to The Winch.

  • Promise Work
  • Holiday Programme
  • A.C.E. United
  • Drop-in Youth Club
  • Take Back The Power
  • Youth Led Projects
  • Celebrations

Young adults

We see your potential and want you to see it too.

You know what you are capable of and we see your potential.

At the Winch you’re welcome at activities, you can take part in projects and sports, be mentored or be a mentor, use creative spaces, resources and loads more.

A lot of these activities are led by you or people your age. We listen to what you want to do, then work with you to make it happen.

You can decide what you get to do in your community.

  • The Company
  • Creative Spaces
  • Celebrations
Address: Old Winchester Arms, 21 Winchester Rd, Belsize Park, London, UK, NW3 3NR