LVN · Re-Solv

Solvent abuse affects the lives of thousands of people in the UK. If you misuse any of the above products, or if someone you know misuses them, then we’re glad you’re here.

Founded in 1984, Re-Solv is the expert charity working across the UK to end solvent abuse and support all those whose lives are affected by it.

If you live anywhere in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales and are worried about your solvent abuse or someone else’s – we’re here to help. Please get in touch.


Solvent abuse affects the lives of thousands of people in the UK. If you misuse any of the above products, or if someone you know misuses them, then we’re glad you’re here.

Founded in 1984, Re-Solv is the expert charity working across the UK to end solvent abuse and support all those whose lives are affected by it.

If you live anywhere in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales and are worried about your solvent abuse or someone else’s – we’re here to help. Please get in touch.