Prospects - Islington Jobcentre Referral

Looking for that perfect career?

We guide millions of students to make the right choice. Match your skills and personality to 400+ job profiles, Work Experience and Internships, and Apprenticeships.


An increasingly popular study option, apprenticeships are a great way to gain hands-on experience while studying towards an industry-recognised qualification and earning a wage.

They're available across a range of sectors, from accounting, business and law, to construction, engineering and transport.

Available in a range of vocational fields, degree apprenticeships offer the chance to study for a full Bachelors or Masters degree while you work

To inform your work-coach of your interest in this opportunity by clicking 'I want to go', you must meet this criteria:

  • Be in receipt of Universal Credit 
  • Be resident in Islington
  • Be aged 18-24 

Next steps:  

Once you submit the 'I want to go' request, your work coach will be informed and will be in contact with more information. 

Prospects - Islington Jobcentre Referral

Looking for that perfect career?

We guide millions of students to make the right choice. Match your skills and personality to 400+ job profiles, Work Experience and Internships, and Apprenticeships.


An increasingly popular study option, apprenticeships are a great way to gain hands-on experience while studying towards an industry-recognised qualification and earning a wage.

They're available across a range of sectors, from accounting, business and law, to construction, engineering and transport.

Available in a range of vocational fields, degree apprenticeships offer the chance to study for a full Bachelors or Masters degree while you work

To inform your work-coach of your interest in this opportunity by clicking 'I want to go', you must meet this criteria:

  • Be in receipt of Universal Credit 
  • Be resident in Islington
  • Be aged 18-24 

Next steps:  

Once you submit the 'I want to go' request, your work coach will be informed and will be in contact with more information.