Youth Employment UK - Islington Jobcentre Referral

Youth Employment UK is an independent, not for profit social enterprise founded in 2012 to tackle youth unemployment.

Our Skills and Careers Hub provides 14-24 year olds with free resources, advice and guidance. Designed with input from young people, the Skills and Careers Hub offers practical tools to support young people through education, transition into employment and beyond in a process of lifelong learning.

  • Careers inspiration
  • Skills development
  • Opportunities
  • Peer to peer content
  • Youth Friendly Employers
  • Information on a range of topics including mental health and finances and signposting to expert organisations and support

To inform your work-coach of your interest in this opportunity by clicking 'I want to go', you must meet this criteria:

  • Be in receipt of Universal Credit 
  • Be resident in Islington
  • Be aged 14-24 

Next steps:  

Once you submit the 'I want to go' request, your work coach will be informed and will be in contact with more information. 

Youth Employment UK - Islington Jobcentre Referral

Youth Employment UK is an independent, not for profit social enterprise founded in 2012 to tackle youth unemployment.

Our Skills and Careers Hub provides 14-24 year olds with free resources, advice and guidance. Designed with input from young people, the Skills and Careers Hub offers practical tools to support young people through education, transition into employment and beyond in a process of lifelong learning.

  • Careers inspiration
  • Skills development
  • Opportunities
  • Peer to peer content
  • Youth Friendly Employers
  • Information on a range of topics including mental health and finances and signposting to expert organisations and support

To inform your work-coach of your interest in this opportunity by clicking 'I want to go', you must meet this criteria:

  • Be in receipt of Universal Credit 
  • Be resident in Islington
  • Be aged 14-24 

Next steps:  

Once you submit the 'I want to go' request, your work coach will be informed and will be in contact with more information.