Youth Employment UK - Islington Jobcentre Referral

Young Professional Training

Boost your life and work skills with free training and online Young Professional courses. Own your future.

Studying, working, looking for a job? Or not sure what you want to do in life? If you’re aged 14-24 and ready to train your skills the way you’d train your muscles in a gym, you’re in.

With free Young Professional training you can boost your life and work skills. We’ll help you every step of the way, wherever you live in the UK.

You’ve got what it takes. It’s time to start believing in your strengths.

What do you get?

  • Skills support from our experts and Youth Ambassadors. 
  • Fantastic opportunities coming your way from youth friendly employers and organisations. 
  • A big tick on your CV – becoming a Young Professional shows you’ve got passion. 
  • Get your voice heard so you can help shape UK policy on youth employment. 

To inform your work-coach of your interest in this opportunity by clicking 'I want to go', you must meet this criteria:

  • Be in receipt of Universal Credit 
  • Be resident in Islington
  • Be aged 18-29

Next steps:  

Once you submit the 'I want to go' request, your work coach will be informed and will be in contact with more information. 

Youth Employment UK - Islington Jobcentre Referral

Young Professional Training

Boost your life and work skills with free training and online Young Professional courses. Own your future.

Studying, working, looking for a job? Or not sure what you want to do in life? If you’re aged 14-24 and ready to train your skills the way you’d train your muscles in a gym, you’re in.

With free Young Professional training you can boost your life and work skills. We’ll help you every step of the way, wherever you live in the UK.

You’ve got what it takes. It’s time to start believing in your strengths.

What do you get?

  • Skills support from our experts and Youth Ambassadors. 
  • Fantastic opportunities coming your way from youth friendly employers and organisations. 
  • A big tick on your CV – becoming a Young Professional shows you’ve got passion. 
  • Get your voice heard so you can help shape UK policy on youth employment. 

To inform your work-coach of your interest in this opportunity by clicking 'I want to go', you must meet this criteria:

  • Be in receipt of Universal Credit 
  • Be resident in Islington
  • Be aged 18-29

Next steps:  

Once you submit the 'I want to go' request, your work coach will be informed and will be in contact with more information.