Fallen Into The Wrong Crowd? What To Do If Your Friends Start To Do Things You Aren’t Comfortable With - Islington Jobcentre Referral

Part of growing into adulthood is learning what our values are and figuring out what behaviours we are – and are not – happy with. However, people have very different values and views on all kinds of issues and activities. That even includes close friends.

Sometimes, you might find that a friend or group of friends start doing things you’re not comfortable with for some reason. This can range from things you feel slightly uneasy about to things you know are wrong or even dangerous.

But what do you do if that happens?

To inform your work-coach of your interest in this opportunity by clicking 'I want to go', you must meet this criteria: 

  • Be in receipt of Universal Credit 
  • Be resident in Islington

Next steps:  

Once you submit the 'I want to go' request, your work coach will be informed and will be in contact with more information and support. 

Fallen Into The Wrong Crowd? What To Do If Your Friends Start To Do Things You Aren’t Comfortable With - Islington Jobcentre Referral

Part of growing into adulthood is learning what our values are and figuring out what behaviours we are – and are not – happy with. However, people have very different values and views on all kinds of issues and activities. That even includes close friends.

Sometimes, you might find that a friend or group of friends start doing things you’re not comfortable with for some reason. This can range from things you feel slightly uneasy about to things you know are wrong or even dangerous.

But what do you do if that happens?

To inform your work-coach of your interest in this opportunity by clicking 'I want to go', you must meet this criteria: 

  • Be in receipt of Universal Credit 
  • Be resident in Islington

Next steps:  

Once you submit the 'I want to go' request, your work coach will be informed and will be in contact with more information and support. 
