LVN · Red consultancy Careers
Red consultancy Careers

One thing everyone here has in common is they work in a successful, friendly, creative PR business in the heart of Soho.

A business which has a stupendous track record of career development. 

So what’s it like to work at Red?
According to the Media Employer of the Year Award, it’s pretty good.

We’ve won the award twice, most recently in 2016.  

It’s the UK’s only annual award which recognises media companies’ ability to inspire and develop their staff; those companies which are evolving to adapt to market conditions, demonstrating imaginative ways to motivate and value their staff whilst also still welcoming new talent. Good stuff!

What do I do if I’m interested in joining Red?
Get in touch with Imogen Wierzan, our Head of HR.

She might suggest you come in for a chat, ask for your CV or set-up a formal interview.

Thing is, different opportunities open up almost every week.

We win a new account, someone leaves (does happen) or someone is going on maternity leave.

It all starts with a chat and we go from there.

We look forward to maybe meeting you to see if we have a future together.

Please visit our website for more info and to view our current vacancies.

Red consultancy Careers

One thing everyone here has in common is they work in a successful, friendly, creative PR business in the heart of Soho.

A business which has a stupendous track record of career development. 

So what’s it like to work at Red?
According to the Media Employer of the Year Award, it’s pretty good.

We’ve won the award twice, most recently in 2016.  

It’s the UK’s only annual award which recognises media companies’ ability to inspire and develop their staff; those companies which are evolving to adapt to market conditions, demonstrating imaginative ways to motivate and value their staff whilst also still welcoming new talent. Good stuff!

What do I do if I’m interested in joining Red?
Get in touch with Imogen Wierzan, our Head of HR.

She might suggest you come in for a chat, ask for your CV or set-up a formal interview.

Thing is, different opportunities open up almost every week.

We win a new account, someone leaves (does happen) or someone is going on maternity leave.

It all starts with a chat and we go from there.

We look forward to maybe meeting you to see if we have a future together.

Please visit our website for more info and to view our current vacancies.