LVN · Employment and Enterprise Support - NLPC - North London Partnership Consortium LTD
Employment and Enterprise Support - NLPC - North London Partnership Consortium LTD

HELPING INDIVIDUALS TO BRIGHTER FUTURES: Whether unemployed, under-employed, employed or looking to start your own business / self-employment we are here to support you.

NLPC have been providing employment and enterprise support for the past 19 years, helping hundreds of people to unlock their potential and reach their goals. We adopt a person centred approach to our service provision–focusing on providing solutions to identified barriers circumstances.


Are you looking for work?
Maybe you want to increase your hours and get more money?
Perhaps you are looking for a career change?

We will work with you and provide you with:

  • Quality career advice (IAG)
  • Bespoke action planning
  • A dedicated adviser to provide 1-2-1 support
  • Employability training
  • CV and Interview techniques support
  • Job search support
  • Job brokerage service to local, regional and national job opportunities
  • In-work support

For more information on how we can support you please contact us on 0208 885 1252 and speak to a member of our team or Register Now!


We have over 20 years’ experience of welfare to work training, employment and enterprise support. Over the years we have supported over 5000 people to change their lives for the better. We deliver a range of welfare to work projects aimed at both the long and short term unemployed.

What we do:

  • Friendly confidential, one-to-one career advice and personal development advice at times that are convenient
  • Employability support – create / update CV
  • Accredited sector specific Level 3 training
  • Job Brokerage – including Employer exclusive vacancies
  • Support people to actively apply for work
  • Provide a fortnightly opportunities list with prospects from all sectors
  • Assistance with job applications
  • Link you to full time and part time jobs that fit
  • Help you find the right training course
  • Find work placements to build experience and confidence
  • Help you work out how to become ‘better off’
  • Help you manage barriers like childcare, travel and work clothing


Employment and Enterprise Support - NLPC - North London Partnership Consortium LTD

HELPING INDIVIDUALS TO BRIGHTER FUTURES: Whether unemployed, under-employed, employed or looking to start your own business / self-employment we are here to support you.

NLPC have been providing employment and enterprise support for the past 19 years, helping hundreds of people to unlock their potential and reach their goals. We adopt a person centred approach to our service provision–focusing on providing solutions to identified barriers circumstances.


Are you looking for work?
Maybe you want to increase your hours and get more money?
Perhaps you are looking for a career change?

We will work with you and provide you with:

  • Quality career advice (IAG)
  • Bespoke action planning
  • A dedicated adviser to provide 1-2-1 support
  • Employability training
  • CV and Interview techniques support
  • Job search support
  • Job brokerage service to local, regional and national job opportunities
  • In-work support

For more information on how we can support you please contact us on 0208 885 1252 and speak to a member of our team or Register Now!


We have over 20 years’ experience of welfare to work training, employment and enterprise support. Over the years we have supported over 5000 people to change their lives for the better. We deliver a range of welfare to work projects aimed at both the long and short term unemployed.

What we do:

  • Friendly confidential, one-to-one career advice and personal development advice at times that are convenient
  • Employability support – create / update CV
  • Accredited sector specific Level 3 training
  • Job Brokerage – including Employer exclusive vacancies
  • Support people to actively apply for work
  • Provide a fortnightly opportunities list with prospects from all sectors
  • Assistance with job applications
  • Link you to full time and part time jobs that fit
  • Help you find the right training course
  • Find work placements to build experience and confidence
  • Help you work out how to become ‘better off’
  • Help you manage barriers like childcare, travel and work clothing