LVN ยท Calthorpe Community Garden
Calthorpe Community Garden

The Calthorpe inner city community garden and centre exists to improve the physical and emotional well-being of those who live, work or study in Camden and surrounding areas

Core Services:

- A horticultural volunteering and training programme for people with learning disabilities and mental health issues.

- Sustainable food growing incorporating a closed loop food cycle, vegetarian cafe and waste recycling facility.

- Supervised activities for children aged 0-14 and their families.

- Sports development including coaching and training for young people.

- Community classes and activities delivered directly or with partner organisations.

People from all cultural and diverse backgrounds participate and enrich our activities.

Our volunteer and training programme helps people learn new skills, provides opportunity for social interaction and outdoor exercise.

Environmental and food growing sessions encourage and develop awareness of organic methods and composting.

Bangladeshi women, older people and families have their own mini allotments encouraging community integration.

Our 5-a-side futsal pitch provides programmes to improve health and well-being for young people as well as generating vital revenue from hiring.

We provide respite from over crowded housing in our Early Years drop in and weekend play provision for children.

Calthorpe Community Garden

The Calthorpe inner city community garden and centre exists to improve the physical and emotional well-being of those who live, work or study in Camden and surrounding areas

Core Services:

- A horticultural volunteering and training programme for people with learning disabilities and mental health issues.

- Sustainable food growing incorporating a closed loop food cycle, vegetarian cafe and waste recycling facility.

- Supervised activities for children aged 0-14 and their families.

- Sports development including coaching and training for young people.

- Community classes and activities delivered directly or with partner organisations.

People from all cultural and diverse backgrounds participate and enrich our activities.

Our volunteer and training programme helps people learn new skills, provides opportunity for social interaction and outdoor exercise.

Environmental and food growing sessions encourage and develop awareness of organic methods and composting.

Bangladeshi women, older people and families have their own mini allotments encouraging community integration.

Our 5-a-side futsal pitch provides programmes to improve health and well-being for young people as well as generating vital revenue from hiring.

We provide respite from over crowded housing in our Early Years drop in and weekend play provision for children.
Address: Calthorpe Project, 258-274 Grays Inn Rd, London, UK, WC1X 8LH