LVN · Abianda

Abianda is a social enterprise that works with young women affected by gangs

We offer one-to-one, group work and employment opportunities to gang-affected young women aged 11-24.

We change the way services are delivered by shifting the central question:

From - What is she doing wrong?

To - How has she managed to survive?

Our guiding principles are:

  • That people affected by a problem are best placed to find the solutions
  • To value young women as experts on their own lives
  • To shift traditional power hierarchies in service delivery in order to enable young women’s participation in solution building, and support young women to have their voices heard in order that they can influence the design and delivery of services
  • A fundamental belief in young women’s innate resources, competence and resilience

You can explore our services and training on our website.

'I feel like I am living now, I can breathe.' - Young woman's feedback


Abianda is a social enterprise that works with young women affected by gangs

We offer one-to-one, group work and employment opportunities to gang-affected young women aged 11-24.

We change the way services are delivered by shifting the central question:

From - What is she doing wrong?

To - How has she managed to survive?

Our guiding principles are:

  • That people affected by a problem are best placed to find the solutions
  • To value young women as experts on their own lives
  • To shift traditional power hierarchies in service delivery in order to enable young women’s participation in solution building, and support young women to have their voices heard in order that they can influence the design and delivery of services
  • A fundamental belief in young women’s innate resources, competence and resilience

You can explore our services and training on our website.

'I feel like I am living now, I can breathe.' - Young woman's feedback