LVN · Explore Youth Opportunities
One-stop shop for youth activities across London. Take control of your future.
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Angel Shed Theatre

An inclusive theatre company:YOUTH THEATRE TWOAGE 13 - 19 / YEAR 9 - 13+ Thursdays 7.30-9.00pm MUSIC COLLECTIVEAGE 12 - 19 / YEAR 8 - 13+ Mondays 7.30-8.45pm DANCE COMPANYAGE 12 - 19 / YEAR 8 - 13+ Mondays 7.30-8.45pm   We're also looking for young role models for our budding performers! You ...
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Are you an Islington resident aged 16-24yrs old and seeking an Apprenticeship/Traineeship? Islington Council iWork Youth Employment can offer you info, advice and support on a range of opportunities!
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Resurgo SPEAR Programme

In just six weeks, you can change your situation. The Spear Programme is a free six-week training programme to get you into work. Spear will equip you with confidence, motivation and the vital skills you need to succeed in long-term employment. Is this for me? You are 16-24 years old You are cu...