If you are looking for a new job or thinking about making a change, answer a few short questions to get personalised support, tips and advice. Take the first step towards your next opportunity with JobHelp for you. jobhelp offers: The ability to see which sectors are currently hiring, the types...
Friends of the horn foundation CIC (NetworkED Support Centre)
NSC provides wide-ranging community service and advice including moral and material support to those bereaved families affected by knife crime. We also strive to provide second to none debt advice, Mental health and wellbeing projects, youth employability, Long term health condition employability, h...
Bridge of Hope Job Board
BridgeofHope.Careers highlights current employment opportunities with progressive companies & organisations which embrace “Inclusive Recruitment” Our mission is to reshape diversity and inclusion talent pathways. We aim to transform how organisations attract, retain and develop talent by enab...
Westminster Youth Connected
For Westminster's children and young people On this page you'll find details of events and activities for young people taking place across Westminster. We have partnered with a variety of youth organisations, more details about our partners can be found below.
Hammersmith & Fulham Youth
Young people’s activities and services Youth projects and activities during term time and the school holidays for 11–19 year olds (up to 25 for young people with disabilities). Young people’s activities and services Community youth projects Youth holiday activities Duke of Edinburgh’s Award sc...
Hammersmith & Fulham Youth Council
Young Mayor and UK Youth Parliament elections 2020 Young people have hit the campaign trail and, if you’re aged 11 to 18, they need your vote! The candidates are hoping to become Youth Mayor and Member of Youth Parliament and you can still vote for them. Voting will take place at schools, youth clu...
Camden Council: Youth Programs
Camden Council works in partnership to support local youth and community organisations to facilitate a number of youth-led activities, events and projects for young people who live, work or study in the Camden Local Government Area. Camden Council supports a number of activities and programs in the l...
Camden Youth Council
Camden Youth Council plays an important role in assisting Camden Council to develop initiatives and projects for young people living in the Camden Local Government Area. The Camden Youth Council is for young people aged 12 to 25 years who are interested in discussing issues, expressing views and cont...
Barnet Early Help Service
Children, Family and Young People All families face challenges and sometimes need support. Early Help is about providing this support as soon as possible to tackle difficulties for children, young people and families before they become more serious. We work with the whole family and the child / youn...
Barnet: Youth and democracy
Do you want to make a difference to your community? Do you feel young people’s voices should be heard? If you answered yes to the above we would welcome you to get involved and join in with our Youth Voice Offer. What is the Youth Voice Offer? The Youth Voice Offer provides opportunities for youn...
Arvon Creative Writing Courses
Arvon runs an annual programme of creative writing courses and retreats for schools, groups and individuals. Our courses, tutored by leading authors, are held at three rural centres and include a powerful mix of workshops and individual tutorials, with time and space to write, free from distractions...
The Upper Room
The Upper Room’s overall aim is to give the homeless and vulnerable the skills and tools they need. “I have followed the work of The Upper Room since its earliest days, and while it has grown hugely in competence, ambition and achievement it has never lost its driving purpose to change and improve t...
Cultivate London
We are an independate social and entrepreneur charity. Setting the standard for engaging local communities in their green spaces, improving health and wellbeing. We provide expertise, access and understanding of community and environmental needs. Whilst also working to improve employment by actively...
Refugee Youth
A family of fun, food and friendship! Refugee Youth is dedicated to improving the lives of young refugees aged 14-20 at different points in their journey. We focus on increasing emotional wellbeing and reducing social isolation amongst young newly arrived asylum seekers. Residential Trips Through...
The Pirate Castle
The Pirate Castle is a boating and outdoor activities charity based in a unique, fully-accessible community centre on the Regent's Canal in the heart of Camden Town, London. Our mission is to promote life chances, learning and healthy living through canal-based and community activities that are stim...
Harrow Law Centre: Children and Young People's Services
Have you been excluded from school? Permanent exclusion can change the course of a young person’s life and career. It can be a traumatic and stressful time for parents and young people. Schools can only permanently exclude a student if allowing them to remain in school would seriously harm the educ...
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
We know more about children’s mental health than we have ever done before. Yet mental health disorders continue to rise, overwhelming our services. Moreover, mental health interventions are not delivering the results we need. This means only a small proportion of children and young people who need...
Place2Be is a children’s mental health charity that provides counselling and mental health support and training in UK schools. Our tried and tested model is backed by research. We believe that children should not have to face mental health problems alone. Mental health support in schools Our in-sc...
Brent Centre for Young People
The Brent Centre for Young People is the leading mental health charity for young people in North West London, supporting over 700 young people a year with a wide range of issues. We offer specialised treatment in the areas of suicide prevention, tackling self-harm, eating disorders, exam anxiety and...
IntoUniversity supports young people to gain a university place or achieve other educational/career goals. Centres target young people who are entitled to Free School Meals, live in social housing or are Looked After. Many will also have no family history of Higher Education, have refugee or asylum...
The London South Bank University (LSBU) Construction Academy Hub
The London South Bank University (LSBU) Hub is developing clear progression routes from secondary school through to degree/higher-level qualifications including T-Levels and degree apprenticeships. We are targeting BAME groups, women and ex-offenders into construction courses and employment opportuni...
The London Borough of Camden Construction Academy Hub
The London Borough of Camden Hub is building on the success of the United College Group and Kings Cross Construction Skills Centre, in partnership with other training providers, to create a training offer that is better connected to job opportunities in the Hub area. We are particularly supportin...
LEAP: Digital Talent Programme
Launched in October 2017 the £7m Digital Talent Programme offers training opportunities for young people and focuses on supporting women’s and ethnic minority groups to gain the skills needed to find employment within London’s digital, technology and creative sectors. The Digital Talent Programme r...
LEAP Skills and Employment
We are committed to supporting the delivery of skills which enable Londoners to progress in learning and access the job opportunities available in the capital. This means supporting the delivery of high quality skills employers say they need, in buildings that are inspiring and fit-for-purpose and w...
FSB Skills Hub
Running your own business means you have to be an expert not only in your own field, but also in marketing, social media, accounting, HR - the list goes on! We have created the FSB skills hub to support you with the resources you need to ensure business continuity in the immediate future and for th...
Young Brent Foundation
Young Brent Foundation works with over 200+ play and youth organisations and delivers focused support and activities that develops capacity, encouraging greater opportunities to connect, collaborate and succeed Our objectives: Education – Provide training and sector development through Informal, ...
London Apprenticeship Ambassador Network (LAAN)
The London Apprenticeship Ambassador Network (LAAN) is a collective group of Apprenticeship Ambassadors raising awareness and hoping to inspire more people to consider the benefits of apprenticeships across London. The work of the AAN is linked to the strategic objectives of the Apprenticeship Refor...
Institute for Apprenticeships: Occupational Maps
All Apprenticeships and T Levels are based on occupations recognised by employers. The Occupational Maps bring these together to show where technical education can lead. There are 15 maps, one for each route. Agriculture, environmental and animal care Business and administration Care services ...
Young Ealing: Duke of Edinburgh
Ealing Duke of Edinburgh’s Award provides support; training and residential experiences for young people aged 14 – 25 to gain their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at Bronze, Silver and Gold Levels. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a personal development programme that builds young people’s skills and giv...
Young Ealing: Youth Projects
The Youth Service runs various projects across the borough, ranging from: undertaking your Duke of Edinburgh’s Award getting involved in half terms and summer programmes with (FYI – Future Youth Inspired) or joining in and becoming a voice with our young people’s planning and debating group (YES...